Why is Incident Reporting Necessary?
Providers have the responsibility to ensure the health and safety of members, to report incidents that put the health and safety of members at risk, and to take immediate steps, when there is an incident, to protect members from further harm, and respond to any emergency needs of members.
Meet federal/state regulations, insurance requirements and contractual obligations.
What is the Incident Reporting Process?
Incident reports should be submitted to Empower Healthcare Solutions at [email protected] and to DHS at [email protected] simultaneously via email.
The Arkansas PASSE Incident Report Form can be found here:
Why should we report incidents?
Section 8.7.1 of the PASSE Agreement documents, “…The PASSE and the provider must submit incident reports upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
- Death of a member; *Requires Immediate Reporting within one hour of the PASSE becoming aware of the occurrence
- The use of restrictive interventions;
- Suspected maltreatment or abuse of member;
- Injury to a member that requires emergency room care, or a paramedic;
- Injury to a member that may result in a substantial permanent impairment; *Requires Immediate reporting within one hour of the PASSE becoming aware of the occurrence
- Injury to a member that requires hospitalization;
- Threatening or attempting suicide;
- Arrest;
- Any situation where the member eloped from a service and cannot be located within two (2) hours;
- Any event where a PASSE HCBS provider staff threatens, abuses, or neglects a member; and k. Medication errors that cause serious injury to the member…”
Section 8.7.2 of the PASSE Agreement documents, “… Other than Immediate Reporting, all other Incidents must be reported within twenty-four (24) hours of the PASSE becoming aware of the occurrence. Incident reports must contain the following information:
- Date of Incident;
- Member’s Name and Date of Birth;
- Time of Incident;
- Location of Incident;
- Persons involved;
- Incident Description;
- Any action taken by the Provider, staff, or PASSE; and
- Name of Person that prepared the report with contact information.
When should we report?
Section 8.7.2 of the PASSE Agreement documents, “… Other than Immediate Reporting, all other Incidents must be reported within twenty-four (24) hours of the PASSE becoming aware of the occurrence…”
Death of a member; *Requires Immediate Reporting within one hour of the PASSE becoming aware of the occurrence
Injury to a member that may result in a substantial permanent impairment; *Requires Immediate reporting within one hour of the PASSE becoming aware of the occurrence
Sentinel Events require an Incident Report for each case.
These include:
- Inpatient death unrelated to natural course of a patient’s illness or underlying condition.
- Inpatient major permanent loss of function unrelated to natural course of patient’s illness or underlying condition.
- Treatment that is inappropriate, ineffective, or below medical standards.
- Delayed or missed diagnosis or treatment.
- Readmission to hospital within (7) days for same or related diagnosis.
- Unplanned admission to hospital after outpatient procedure.
- Unplanned subsequent return to surgery for same procedure or repair of postoperative complication.
- Nosocomial infection requiring IV antibiotics.
- Maternal death that occurs at any time during intra partum period.
- Unanticipated death of a full-term infant.
- Ruptured uterus
- Fetal demise
- Brain damage
- Spinal damage
- Behavioral Health/Homicide: One member taking another member’s life in the same treatment setting
- Behavioral Health /Altercation: One member physically attacking another member in the same treatment setting
- Behavioral Health/Suicide: Patient commits suicide within (72) hours of being discharged from a hospital setting that provides staffed around the clock care
- Three or more Restrictive Interventions in a 30-day Period.